Saturday, November 13, 2010

The revolution is love

Para sa mga allergic sa romance at nababaduyan sa pag-ibig:

"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality.” - Che Guevarra

Nov 13 2010 | 12:04am

Monday, November 8, 2010

Digital post-it

I first discovered digital post-its in 2005 while I was still with Fox-GSK. I remember my desktop being covered with to-dos written in digital post-its. I have been an avid note-taker ever since. I am a calendar person. I am a to-do list person. I am a planner person. I would printout those printable calendars from the internet quarterly. (I don't print the 12 months at a time). And I would just keep it folded in half, and slid inside a notebook. I am thrilled by the folds and stray marks, and the unruly penmanship and the different pen colors. Mukhang gamit na gamit! For some weird reason, I enjoy juggling different things at the same time. Since college, I was never just a student. I was a leader of several organization. When I was working, I was not just a yuppie, I was an activist and a member of a band, and a graduate student. Sometime 2006, I quit my regular 8-5 job and worked as a college instructor, freelance researcher and a graduate student while still an activist and a band member. When I was in a very demanding corporate office, I still had a band and maintained my activist life. But since the schedule was less than flexible, which means I had to focus on just work and reduce others to mere free-time activities, I decided to quit. Right now, I am an NGO worker, a freelance researcher, an activist and a graduate student, and a musician. And I am thrilled (and stressed) at the idea of having to juggle all those.

However, recently, I tend to forget and care less compared with how much I was up on my toes a year ago and before that. Not that I have become whatever goes. I still enjoy planning and marking things on the calendar, or putting plans in writing. I just keep on forgetting things. I hope this condition is nothing medical or clinical.

Last night, I decided to download the digital post-it once again. On my tiny desktop, I divided it into three of my work spheres. First, for the NGO, 2nd for the small research agency I'm running, and 3rd for graduate school. There should be a 4th - social life. It takes my time also, and sometimes I choose it over work. Haha!

Nov 8 2010 | 12:42 p.m.


I slept for 12 hours straight! It felt so good and liberating to just sleep on some work to do.

1. Read related literature for my thesis
2. Watch a feature on Carol Banawa on Rated K
3. Prepare a compensation package proposal for work
4. Listen to NU 107's last hour (12 midnight)
5. Hygiene stuff

The 5th made me feel icky the following morning; while the 4th made me nostalgic. I didn't care much about items 1 to 3. Hehe.

Nov 8 2010 | 12:24 p.m.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Balik UP

This is it! I finally got the seal of approval of three "appropriate bodies" who decided upon my fate as a graduate student: the department chair, the graduate school chair and the dean. This afternoon, my request for readmission and extension was granted. I have one year to finish everything. It is almost surreal to finally be able to enroll again tomorrow after more than two years.

It means I will have to endure the tireless lines again.

It means I have to start looking for a new thesis adviser.

It means I have to start working on my research.

It means that my time starts now!

Nov 3 | 1:01 a.m.